Chiropractors Help Motor Vehicle Accident Victims with Neck Pain

Chiropractors can help attenuate the pain caused by a motor vehicle accident by gently realigning the body and releasing the spastic musculature. All this is performed without the use of any dangerous medication or surgery. Chiropractors are trained in understanding the mechanisms involved in musculoskeletal injuries. Through a thorough history and examination, chiropractors can evaluate […]
Chiropractors Treat Athletes with Neck Pain

The different types of neck pain athletes sustain can be: Sprains and Strains Muscle spasms Fatigue Bulging or Herniated discs. All of these injuries can be treated by a chiropractor with a variety of techniques including: Manipulation Myofascial techniques such as the Graston Technique Vibrational devices such as the Hyperice or Hypervolt Pneumatic compression such […]