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Acupuncture — Podcast Interview with Misty Kammarada

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Topic: Acupuncture – What you need to know

Below you will find an easy to read transcript of Misty Kammarada’s interview on the razorcast™ monthly podcast. You can either watch the video to listen to the podcast or simply read the easy to follow transcript below. Enjoy!

Podcast Interview:

RC: Hello everyone, this is Liz Harvey coming to you from our razorcast™ studios in New York City where we are dedicated to bringing you top quality advice from many of the leading expert professionals across the United States.

In today’s episode we are speaking with Misty Kammarada. Misty a licensed acupuncturist practicing at Ferraro Spine & Rehabilitation which is a multi-specialty wellness facility serving northern NJ and the NY metro area for the past 18 years.

Misty Kammarada is a graduate of the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is NCCAOM Certified in Acupuncture & Herbs and CCAOM Certified in Clean Needle Technique. Misty has been part of the team at Ferraro Spine & Rehabilitation since 2012.

Misty Kammarada is widely considered to be one of the top acupuncturists in the country and she is also a contributing member of our national network of industry professionals.

Today we are going to talk about a very important topic: Acupuncture: What you need to know

RC: Hi Misty, how are you today?

Misty Kammarada: Hi Liz I’m good. Thank you for having me.

RC: Well thanks for joining us.

Question 1: What is acupuncture?

RC: So what is acupuncture?

Misty Kammarada: Well acupuncture is a system of medicine originating in China centuries ago. Some date it as far back as about two thousand years. It’s a system of medicine that’s completely natural and works with the body’s natural energy flow to restore balance and harmony to any person suffering from a headache to low back pain to any kind of auto-immune issue.

Question 2: What types of conditions does acupuncture treat?

RC: And what types of conditions does acupuncture treat?

Misty Kammarada: Well acupuncture has been known to treat a wide range of disorders. So it ranges from neurological conditions such as headaches, migraines, forms of paralysis, cardiovascular issues such as high or low blood pressure, fluid retention, respiratory conditions, I see a lot of bronchial, sinus and sore throat issues. Also common cold, influenza. It’s really good for digestive disorders, any kind of gynecological disorders, fertility issues, skin conditions, musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis, sciatica, frozen shoulder which I see a lot in clinics, sports injuries and psychological conditions such as depression, phobias, emotional disturbances, anxiety and things of that nature. So it does a lot.

Question 3: How is acupuncture performed? What devices are used in the process?

RC: Great and how is acupuncture performed? What devices are used in the process?

Misty Kammarada: Well, when someone comes in I usually do an intake which allows me to properly diagnose a patient. So depending on what their diagnosis is, I can use needles placed on specific acupuncture points on the body that will restore balance. For muscular issues, I might use cupping devices which are basically glass cups that can be placed along any muscular area of the body to relieve pain, blood stagnation. And also, we sometimes use electrical stimulation on the needles which basically allows communication between needles to happen and it just also relaxes the muscles and restores balance and flow to the area that has been affected.

Question 4: Is acupuncture safe for all ages? Are there any limitations on who is eligible for treatment?

RC: And is acupuncture safe for all ages? Are there any limitations on who is eligible for treatment?

Misty Kammarada: Acupuncture is considered safe for all ages. You would just treat different ages differently. There’s for children pediatric acupuncture which uses very few needles if any at all. There’s different instruments to use for children. And elderly people, you would just really try to use thinner, finer needles, less stimulation and less time on the table. So you really have to just know how to cater it to different people but it’s pretty much safe for anybody. The only issue I would say is someone who has any kind of really serious bleeding disorders. In that case, there’s other safer ways to treat them in the scope of Chinese medicine without needing to use needles.

Question 5: How long does a typical treatment session last? How long should people wait before their next treatment?

RC: Okay and how long does a typical treatment session last? How long should people wait before their next treatment?

Misty Kammarada: A session typically lasts about an hour. The first time I see someone, it can be anywhere between an hour to an hour in a half depending on how lengthy their intake is. And I usually tell people, depending on what they’re coming for. If they’re coming for prevention or just overall wellness, you can make it a maintenance issue like, you know, once a week, once every two weeks, depending on the need. If you’re suffering from a chronic issue or any kind of pain syndrome, the best thing to do is probably about two visits a week for at least four weeks until we can see some real shift in the condition and sometimes that happens on the first visit you know. It doesn’t always happen that way, wish it did, but most of the time, it takes us at least two weeks at twice a week before we can see a real shift because you’re really working out a lot of times long standing pain patterns. So we have to sort of give a little time to unravel that.

RC: Thank you so much for joining us today. I want to thank you for your time and help and for sharing this information with us.

Misty Kammarada: Absolutely. Happy to do it.

RC: For our listeners across the country, if you are interested in speaking with Misty Kammarada, you can go online at ferraro1.wpengine.com  or call (973) 478-2212 to schedule an appointment.

On behalf of our entire team at razorcast™, we want to thank you for listening and we look forward to bringing you more top quality content from our country’s leading industry professionals.

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