Ferraro Spine and Rehabilitation
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Fascial Distortion Model™ Helps Soft Tissue Injuries


The Fascial Distortion Model™ (FDM) can be used to treat a soft tissue injury, even an acute injury such as a sprained ankle. Traditionally, the approach to that would be the RICE model – rest, ice, compression and elevation. What we actually do with the Fascial Distortion Model is try to remodel that tissue immediately post-injury, even on the same day or the next day. After that ankle is sprained, we’ll try to remodel it as gently as we can in order to re-set that joint and that tissue before it starts healing improperly.

If you unfold a map, this is like the ligaments being sprained in the ankle. If you refold that map just in an arbitrary fashion as in crumple it up, that is how the tissue is re-setting after the sprain. We want to try to ‘unfold’ that again and then fold it up properly with the proper folds and creases in as with the map. We try to re-set that tissue where it will actually going to heal properly instead of healing in a conjumbled mess of scar tissue and swelling. The faster we can do that, the more effective it is going to be treating that injury.

We also treat more chronic conditions which may take a little bit longer to treat. They may take several levels of the Model to go through and break down the injury. You may have an old sprain that developed scar tissue. Once scar tissue forms (if we couldn’t get to it in time like the acute sprain), we may have to do a few different other approaches with the technique in order to break up that scar tissue and then remodel, find where the fixations are and then get the tissue back to their healthy state.

Dr. Kyle Robertson. Dr. Robertson is a chiropractor at Ferraro Spine & Rehabilitation. Dr. Robertson is a graduate of the Palmer College of Chiropractic. If you are interested in speaking with Dr. Robertson, you can call (973) 478-2212 to schedule an appointment or you can go to ferraro1.wpengine.com