Ferraro Spine and Rehabilitation

The Fast Twitch Injury Risk Analysis Uses Technology to Deliver Results

We differentiate from a lot of people within the industry because of our philosophies on training and the body. I don’t knock any of the traditional assessments or movement screenings that people do. However, I think in this day and age with the technological availabilities that we have, we have to make use of those. So, us teaming up with Physimax and using this data, this technology, to get the data that we can get from it, really gives the people that are coming in and using this the best opportunity to avoid injury and to be able to strengthen those areas of deficiency.

A lot of people are staying away from that technology just because it’s something new. But we’ve found by using it that we can really help people. And being able to provide people with the data, showing them, I think that’s what makes it successful.

When I do a regular movement screening with someone there are things that I can’t see. And when I just tell them about it, it’s not in front of their face, they might not understand how important it is. When we use this app and this technology, and I can give them a printed out data sheet showing them what they’re at risk for and the percent of it, it really opens up their eyes to saying, “You know, I do need this if I want to stay healthy and compete at the highest level possible.” I’m a big believer in deliverables. And I think that that’s something that this has allowed us to do and really show people why and where they need it.

If you are interested in speaking with Fast Twitch Saddle Brook please visit www.fasttwitch.com or call 201-490-8778 to schedule an appointment.