The Fast Twitch Physical Therapy Program

[su_vimeo url=””] The Fast Twitch physical therapy program, with its team of medical professionals and trainers, is beneficial for everyone from athletes recovering from a traumatic injury to the general public who are trying to improve their overall body function. Let’s start by describing the main components of the Fast Twitch Physical Therapy Program and […]
The Fast Twitch Proprietary Injury Risk Analysis

[su_vimeo url=”″] Fast Twitch Saddle Brook incorporates technology to analyze each individual client in order to create a data-driven injury recovery plan with their team of athletic trainers and physical therapists. What type of injuries do you see at Fast Twitch? Are they mostly sports related injuries or do you see people with work injuries […]
The Fast Twitch State of the Art Approach to Injury Recovery

[su_vimeo url=””] Fast Twitch Saddle Brook offers a state of the art approach to injury recovery utilizing physical therapists, chiropractors, personal trainers and other professionals who work together to build a full recovery platform for each and every client from premier athletes to the general public. To start off please describe the type of facility […]