Technology Overload

Do you find yourself endlessly checking email and social apps? Do you have these accounts on all your devices? People routinely are using multiple devices simultaneously – and there are many! One’s smartphone, Apple watch, tablet, laptop, desktop and tv keep one connected at all times.  In a technology driven world, it may become necessary […]

Signs of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted to humans from the bite of an infected blacklegged tick – also known as the deer tick.  If left untreated, the infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system. Nonetheless, prompt treatment can help you recover quickly. Lyme disease cases have traditionally been more prevalent […]

What Causes Shingles?

If you had chickenpox as a child, there is the risk of getting shingles. Shingles is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes chickenpox. Even after the chickenpox infection is over, the virus may lay dormant in your nervous system for years before reactivating as shingles. Most adults […]

Circadian Rhythm

Do you notice that you tend to feel energetic or sleepy around the same times each day? That’s because your circadian rhythm is at work. What is a circadian rhythm? Your circadian rhythm is essentially an internal clock that operates in the background of your brain and alternates between cycles of drowsiness and alertness at […]

Safety First – Know The Heimlich Maneuver

The forkful looks so good! You can’t wait to sink your teeth into it. Uh oh…too much, too quickly. Most of us have experienced this and can relate! Choking is a real risk especially for our children and seniors. Believe it or not, choking is the fourth leading cause of unintentional death and the leading […]

Blood Type & Your Health

Researchers believe that blood type can have a real influence on your health. In fact, blood type may be linked to a risk of developing certain diseases. The American Red Cross notes that common blood types are A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, O-  with the differences of the various blood types being the […]

Patient Empowerment

Patients are automatically empowered when they are respected as being people who are entitled to understand and know about their care. There is ample research that shows that health outcomes are better and it is encouraged for patients to build a relationship with their healthcare professional. The term ‘patient empowerment’ is among the top buzzwords […]

The Fast Twitch Physical Therapy Program is Critical to Injury Recovery

The main components of the Fast Twitch Physical Therapy Program are built from multiple movement assessments and screenings done by our physical therapists and our coaches. You have multiple professionals working with you. The uniqueness of that is how we build it out and how they work together to build out your treatment and your […]

The Fast Twitch Physical Therapy Program

[su_vimeo url=””] The Fast Twitch physical therapy program, with its team of medical professionals and trainers, is beneficial for everyone from athletes recovering from a traumatic injury to the general public who are trying to improve their overall body function. Let’s start by describing the main components of the Fast Twitch Physical Therapy Program and […]

The Fast Twitch Injury Risk Analysis Uses Technology to Deliver Results

We differentiate from a lot of people within the industry because of our philosophies on training and the body. I don’t knock any of the traditional assessments or movement screenings that people do. However, I think in this day and age with the technological availabilities that we have, we have to make use of those. […]