The Fast Twitch Physical Therapy Program
[su_vimeo url=””] The Fast Twitch physical therapy program, with its team of medical professionals and trainers, is beneficial for everyone from athletes recovering from a traumatic injury to the general public who are trying to improve their overall body function. Let’s start by describing the main components of the Fast Twitch Physical Therapy Program and […]
The Fast Twitch Proprietary Injury Risk Analysis
[su_vimeo url=”″] Fast Twitch Saddle Brook incorporates technology to analyze each individual client in order to create a data-driven injury recovery plan with their team of athletic trainers and physical therapists. What type of injuries do you see at Fast Twitch? Are they mostly sports related injuries or do you see people with work injuries […]
The Fast Twitch State of the Art Approach to Injury Recovery
[su_vimeo url=””] Fast Twitch Saddle Brook offers a state of the art approach to injury recovery utilizing physical therapists, chiropractors, personal trainers and other professionals who work together to build a full recovery platform for each and every client from premier athletes to the general public. To start off please describe the type of facility […]
Chiropractors Help Motor Vehicle Accident Victims with Neck Pain
Chiropractors can help attenuate the pain caused by a motor vehicle accident by gently realigning the body and releasing the spastic musculature. All this is performed without the use of any dangerous medication or surgery. Chiropractors are trained in understanding the mechanisms involved in musculoskeletal injuries. Through a thorough history and examination, chiropractors can evaluate […]
Neck Pain From Motor Vehicle Accidents
[su_vimeo url=”″] Motor vehicle accidents can cause neck pain and injuries including whiplash. Regardless of whether or not people are experiencing pain following an auto accident, they should visit a chiropractor to be checked and treated for musculoskeletal and neck injuries. If someone has just been in a motor vehicle accident and is experiencing neck […]
Chiropractors Treat Athletes with Neck Pain
The different types of neck pain athletes sustain can be: Sprains and Strains Muscle spasms Fatigue Bulging or Herniated discs. All of these injuries can be treated by a chiropractor with a variety of techniques including: Manipulation Myofascial techniques such as the Graston Technique Vibrational devices such as the Hyperice or Hypervolt Pneumatic compression such […]
Neck Pain From Sports Injuries
[su_vimeo url=”″] Athletes can sustain injuries such as whiplash or concussion that cause neck pain. Repetitive motion injuries can also cause neck pain due to a lack of proper training. Chiropractors can help athletes alleviate their neck pain through examination, diagnosis and treatment. Is whiplash the most common form of neck injury sustained during an […]
Chiropractors Can Treat Text Neck
We treat and correct text neck. With proper chiropractic treatments, therapeutic exercises and a real change in the day-to-day posture, especially when using electronics, patients can see results. Chiropractors can treat text neck in the following ways: Perform specific spinal manipulations to realign the affected joints. Teach specific stretches and exercises to help regain the […]
Text Neck
[su_vimeo url=”″] Text neck is the term for a new condition that is caused by the improper curvature of the neck from the use of handheld devices. Text neck causes neck pain, upper back pain and headaches but it can be corrected with chiropractic care and exercises. What is text neck? Dr. Peter Ferraro: Text neck is […]
Top 3 Reasons Athletes with Sports Injuries Should See a Chiropractor
Diagnose the Injury: Initially, athletes should visit a chiropractor in order to properly diagnose the injury. Depending on what the injury is, we will create a treatment plan specific to the injury so we can start the road to recovery. Start Long Term Recovery: Secondly, as chiropractors, we will work to get our patient out […]