Neck Pain From Sports Injuries

[su_vimeo url=”″] Athletes can sustain injuries such as whiplash or concussion that cause neck pain. Repetitive motion injuries can also cause neck pain due to a lack of proper training. Chiropractors can help athletes alleviate their neck pain through examination, diagnosis and treatment. Is whiplash the most common form of neck injury sustained during an […]

Top 3 Reasons Athletes with Sports Injuries Should See a Chiropractor

Diagnose the Injury: Initially, athletes should visit a chiropractor in order to properly diagnose the injury. Depending on what the injury is, we will create a treatment plan specific to the injury so we can start the road to recovery. Start Long Term Recovery: Secondly, as chiropractors, we will work to get our patient out […]

Helping Athletes Get Back in the Game with Chiropractic Care

[su_vimeo url=”″][su_vimeo url=”″][/su_vimeo] Chiropractic care helps athletes through all the stages of a sports injury to ensure that they return to their game faster with improved range of motion, increased stability and strength. What are the most common sports-related injuries that you treat in your practice? Dr. Kyle Robertson: Well, with athletes, we see all […]

Personalized Athletic Assessments

[su_vimeo url=”″][su_vimeo url=”″][/su_vimeo] Personalized athletic assessments can now include a DNA analysis to help customize diet planning, athletic performance training and injury prevention that will help athletes reach their highest potential. Can you tell us about the new partnership you have formed with Athletic Genetix, and what they can offer to your clients and patients? […]

Sport Specific and Athlete Specific Training

[su_vimeo url=”″][su_vimeo url=”″][/su_vimeo] Sports training programs should be customized for each athlete, male or female, depending on how their body moves, areas that need improvement and the sport they are playing. How is training varied for female versus male training? Chris Tuttle: You know, for us, it is a little bit different at the youth […]

Training for Complete Growth

[su_vimeo url=””][su_vimeo url=””][/su_vimeo] Training to become a better and stronger athlete by pushing your body to higher levels requires both mental and physical growth. Personal trainers help athletes learn how to focus and achieve their training goals. What is encompassed in training? Chris Tuttle: A lot of people discuss how there’s two pieces of training, […]