The Fast Twitch Physical Therapy Program

[su_vimeo url=””] The Fast Twitch physical therapy program, with its team of medical professionals and trainers, is beneficial for everyone from athletes recovering from a traumatic injury to the general public who are trying to improve their overall body function. Let’s start by describing the main components of the Fast Twitch Physical Therapy Program and […]
The Fast Twitch Proprietary Injury Risk Analysis

[su_vimeo url=”″] Fast Twitch Saddle Brook incorporates technology to analyze each individual client in order to create a data-driven injury recovery plan with their team of athletic trainers and physical therapists. What type of injuries do you see at Fast Twitch? Are they mostly sports related injuries or do you see people with work injuries […]
The Fast Twitch State of the Art Approach to Injury Recovery

[su_vimeo url=””] Fast Twitch Saddle Brook offers a state of the art approach to injury recovery utilizing physical therapists, chiropractors, personal trainers and other professionals who work together to build a full recovery platform for each and every client from premier athletes to the general public. To start off please describe the type of facility […]
Neck Pain From Sports Injuries

[su_vimeo url=”″] Athletes can sustain injuries such as whiplash or concussion that cause neck pain. Repetitive motion injuries can also cause neck pain due to a lack of proper training. Chiropractors can help athletes alleviate their neck pain through examination, diagnosis and treatment. Is whiplash the most common form of neck injury sustained during an […]
Top 3 Reasons Athletes with Sports Injuries Should See a Chiropractor

Diagnose the Injury: Initially, athletes should visit a chiropractor in order to properly diagnose the injury. Depending on what the injury is, we will create a treatment plan specific to the injury so we can start the road to recovery. Start Long Term Recovery: Secondly, as chiropractors, we will work to get our patient out […]
Helping Athletes Get Back in the Game with Chiropractic Care

[su_vimeo url=”″][su_vimeo url=”″][/su_vimeo] Chiropractic care helps athletes through all the stages of a sports injury to ensure that they return to their game faster with improved range of motion, increased stability and strength. What are the most common sports-related injuries that you treat in your practice? Dr. Kyle Robertson: Well, with athletes, we see all […]
Introducing FT Performance Labs

FT Performance Labs is a nutraceutical company based out of Saddle Brook, New Jersey. We’ve teamed up with Fast Twitch, an Under Armour Elite Training Facility and my practice, Ferraro Spine and Rehabilitation. We are currently offering Fuel, a branched-chain amino acid supplementation that is focused toward muscle recovery and growth, and really focusing in […]
FT Performance Labs, a Sports Nutrition Company

[su_vimeo url=”″][su_vimeo url=”″][/su_vimeo] FT Performance Labs is an all natural supplement company offering a gluten free, dairy free branched-chain amino acid supplement, Fuel to help build and retain muscle. What is FT Performance Labs and who created it? Dr. Peter Ferraro: FT Performance Labs was created by some of our crucial members of Fast Twitch Team […]
Improve Muscle Growth with Branched-Chain Amino Acids

The biggest benefit of branched-chain amino acids is improving muscle growth by reducing the recovery time. As you exercise or physically strain your body, your body will adapt naturally by becoming stronger, as long as you are feeding your body accordingly. With branched-chain amino acid supplementation, you can improve and expedite the growth of your […]
Branched-Chain Amino Acids

[su_vimeo url=”″][su_vimeo url=”″][/su_vimeo] Branched-chain amino acids help muscles recover faster and allow athletes to workout harder because they feel more energized and less sore between workouts. What is a branched-chain amino acid? Dr. Peter Ferraro: Amino acids are commonly referred to as building blocks of protein. What makes an amino acid a branched-chain is its […]